[][src]Function nix::sys::select::select

pub fn select<'a, N, R, W, E, T>(
    nfds: N,
    readfds: R,
    writefds: W,
    errorfds: E,
    timeout: T
) -> Result<c_int> where
    N: Into<Option<c_int>>,
    R: Into<Option<&'a mut FdSet>>,
    W: Into<Option<&'a mut FdSet>>,
    E: Into<Option<&'a mut FdSet>>,
    T: Into<Option<&'a mut TimeVal>>, 

Monitors file descriptors for readiness

Returns the total number of ready file descriptors in all sets. The sets are changed so that all file descriptors that are ready for the given operation are set.

When this function returns, timeout has an implementation-defined value.


